Saturday, January 27, 2007

Mosquito 0.2 Released

I've just uploaded Mosquito 0.2 to Mosquito site. This release brings several nice additions:
  • Screenshot difference - mosquito now generates screenshot differences with reference shots. To create reference shots just run your mosquito script with -a command line option. For diff sample check previous blog post or samples section at the main mosquito site.
  • Users Guide
  • Mosquito command line options - consult users guide for command line options.


Jordan said...

Are there plans to make mosquito run on Windows or Linux?

Maarten said...

Has anyone played with mosquito on X.7 and ran in to any issues? Seeing problems on execution here:

Assertion failure in -[WebHTMLView lockFocus], /SourceCache/AppKit/AppKit-1138.23/AppKit.subproj/NSView.m

Cause seems to be the check for whether the page has finished loading: webView_didFinishLoadForFrame